Consuming magic mushrooms (psilocybin mushrooms) is a topic that should be approached with caution and responsibility. The effects of these mushrooms can vary widely, and a positive or negative experience largely depends on factors like dosage, mindset, and setting. Here’s a guide on how to consume magic mushrooms safely and mindfully:

Know Your Dosage:

  • Start with a low dose, especially if you’re a beginner. The potency of magic mushrooms can vary significantly between species and even within the same batch.
  • A typical low to moderate dose ranges from 0.5 to 2 grams of dried mushrooms, while a strong dose can be 3 grams or more.
  • Use a scale to accurately measure the dosage.

Prepare Your Setting:

  • Choose a comfortable and safe environment where you feel relaxed and secure. Ideally, this should be a quiet and familiar place.
  • Ensure that you have access to essentials like water, a phone, and any necessary medications.
  • Consider having a trusted friend or sitter with you, especially if you’re inexperienced.

Mindset and Intention:

  • Approach the experience with a positive and open mindset. Set clear intentions for what you hope to gain from the experience.
  • Be in a good mood and avoid using magic mushrooms when feeling anxious, depressed, or in a negative state of mind.

Method of Consumption:

  • Magic mushrooms can be consumed in various ways:
    • Eating: The most common method is simply eating dried magic mushrooms. You can chew them thoroughly and swallow.
    • Tea: You can steep dried mushrooms in hot water to make mushroom tea, which may have a milder taste and a quicker onset.
    • Capsules: Some people grind dried mushrooms into a powder and encapsulate them, making it easier to measure and consume.
    • Chocolate or honey: Some individuals mix finely ground mushrooms into chocolate or honey for better taste.

Avoid Mixing Substances:

  • Do not mix magic mushrooms with alcohol, other drugs, or medications without consulting a healthcare professional.
  • Some substances can interact with psilocybin, potentially leading to adverse reactions.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished:

  • Have water and light snacks on hand to stay hydrated and maintain your energy levels.

Be Patient:

  • The effects of magic mushrooms can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to fully kick in, depending on factors like metabolism and the method of consumption.
  • Do not take more because you don’t feel the effects immediately; wait for the experience to unfold.

During the Experience:

  • Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind. Surrender to the experience and let go of control.
  • Engage in introspection, meditation, or activities like listening to music or spending time in nature, depending on your intentions.


  • After the experience, take time to reflect on what you’ve learned or experienced. Integration is a crucial part of the process.
  • Consider keeping a journal to record your thoughts and insights.

Legal Considerations:

  • Be aware of the legal status of magic mushrooms in your area. They are illegal in many places, so ensure you’re not breaking any laws.